Saturday 20 October 2012

Retail therapy

This week I unintentionally went op shopping twice. On both occasions it was a therapeutic form of recreation. What I mean is on both occasions I didn't need anything per se, however, on both occasions something more than material possessions was gained.

I try not to op shop as just an alternative form of the rampant consumerism that pervades our culture. The buy nothing new type challenges appeal to me in a oh-what-a-good-idea-for-someone-other-than-me-in-my-stage-of-life-right-now kinda way. If I am honest with myself I know I would benefit from letting go, not only of my 'stuff', but my attitudes to 'stuff'. For more against the notion of retail therapy read this great opinion piece.

That being said here is my perspective on op shop therapy.

My first unintended shopping spree was on a Tuesday (but felt like Thursday) afternoon. Munchkin Features had been in a mood all day. Actually it was more like a general malaise that had blown in on one of those horrible windy grey days, the kind that creates half-crazed children, at the end of last week. She had decided to see what happened if she cried at nap times (as opposed to her general 'oh-okay-I'll-put-myself-to-sleep-now' attitude). Which led to some confusion, being over-tired, lots of extra night waking, more tiredness and the associated whinging...and that was just me! Earlier in the day I'd rung one of those hotlines with early childhood nurses and drawn the short straw, it was meant to be therapeutic reassurance. Something along these lines would have done just fine, "no there's nothing wrong with your child, just do what you've been doing and be consistent and she'll settle down, she's just conducting a bit of an experiment to see how you'll react". Instead she made a whole bunch of assumptions about what I was and wasn't doing in regards to picking her up and feeding her and having a 'routine', and I felt patronised and further irritated. So by 3.30pm I'd had it, I strapped Munchkin Features into the pram and we went for a walk...and it just so happened that we ended up at 'After a fashion' in Ashfield which has recently doubled in size!

Everything I found was for Munchkin. Found some onesies for summer pj's, lovely knits for next year's winter wardrobe, some patent oshkosh mary janes (still with tags attached), and a couple of books, aptly titled too!

Also scored this retro baby puzzle for $2.

And finally we stopped by the park on the way home and both had some fun.

The whole excursion was a welcome distraction, and I found a loophole to the not buying things I don't need trap (which ultimately results in post-spending guilt) by buying things for Munchkin Features...who will need day. I know I've read somewhere that spending money can give you a momentary rush of happy hormones, and on days when you've had about 4 hours sleep, I think I got my $20 worth of distraction.  

More on my second shopping spree later.


  1. Glad your day turned into quite a lovely one! That $20 sounds like a good investment in your mental health and wellbeing to enable you to continue to be a good mum to Munchkin :)

  2. Along the same vein as buy-nothing-month, project 33 seems like a great way to want-less-stuff/ solution to the floordrobe, I read about it on this blog which is more interesting than the official page
