Tuesday, 22 January 2013

A time for organisation

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time for covering every surface of your home with craft supplies, and a time to organise all those little bits and pieces into pretty little homes of their own"

Ecclesiastes 3 NSV (New Sarah's Version)

Last week I was house and pet sitting for my parents who live just a few minutes away. This meant I had the luxury of doing my crafty projects at home during the day during while Munchkin Features napped and then leaving everything and returning to a house unsullied by the paper and fabric scraps peppering the carpet, the stray scissors posing a serious safety risk to my child, the fabric pieces strewn about the living room after they were used for an impromptu game of peekaboo, and most of all the dining table. With the little plastic bowls filled with discarded cherry tomato skins* nestled in among plastic bags bulging with fabric, hastily scrunched and stashed to avoid the curiosity of  Muchkin's jam hands, the shoe boxes spewing pretty paper pieces, the colourful cloud  garland discarded from the weekend's party, the sewing machine, the pin cushion devoid of pins which instead are dotted in and amongst the mess, the table looked more like a tip site than a work surface. In fact, you couldn't even see the surface. Needless to say when we returned home on the weekend the scale of cleaning seemed overwhelming. I tried to explain the injustice of the situation to Justice Boy, "the amount of cleaning here is absurd, honestly I did spend most of my time on your child last week; packing away the books, the toys, the clothes, wiping sticky gross stuff off clothes, and faces, and hands, and bottoms, preparing wonderful nutritious meals for her to turn her nose up at and fleck about the room...I even vacuumed!"

It was concluded that sewing and craft projects really did need to take place somewhere other than the dining table and so this week I'm attacking the office/craft room. I'm not going to take a before shot, or even write a before description because that would be just a little bit embarrassing. The room has never really been properly unpacked since the move two months ago, it's the kind of room where the door gets shut if you have guests over, and if for some reason someone does need to enter the space you just hope they don't open any of the cupboard doors. I hope you know the type, I'm sure we're not the only ones.

Even though I know this kind of room is probably completely normal, the problem is it doesn't exactly invite creativity or productivity, you only need to enter the space and your brain feels foggy. So over the next week or two I will attempt to organise the craft room (insert ominous music here).

It's not going to be a magazine space, I'm not going to spend any more money than I have to to get things practically organised...but if I can pretty it up a bit with things from my stash I will be a happy woman.

*Muchkin is causing serious headaches about eating at the moment, a normal phase that I hope will pass quickly before I succumb and her diet consists entirely of yogurt, crackers and blueberries (she's lucky they are a super food!).

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