Then I came across a toy pattern book my mum bought called Hop Skip Jump (read Fiona's blog here). The book is full of adorable toys crafted out of woolen jumpers, linen and scraps of feature fabrics. Fiona's toys are so sweet you feel you could almost just take her book to bed with you for a snuggle.
So yesterday I pinched the book and armed with supplies from my stash I have succeeded today in creating not one, but TWO huggable little penguins called Arnold.
The body is constructed from a cardigan I bought years ago, that I never wore, but couldn't bring myself to part with because the fabric was so nice. I used scraps for the belly and the legs/beaks, quilting fabric for the wings, and old cuffs for the beanies.
The good news is if Munchkin Features doesn't want to play with Arnold, it just means more cuddles for me!
These are super cute! And I can't believe MF is nearly 1! The year's flown by.