Thursday 10 January 2013

Getting back on the horse...well donkey actually

Well today was a good day.  I made some more party decorations, rendezvoused with Justice Boy at the park for lunch, hit up a few op shops, organised a birthday present for my nephew (January is bumper to bumper birthdays in our family), finished Gordon the donkey and Iished Munchkin Feature's party dress!

First up are these hot air balloons for our Somewhere Over the Rainbow party. They came together so quickly. Just cut four hot air balloon shapes, fold each in half (right sides together) and then glue the wrong sides together. If you had double sided paper you would only need two shapes and then you could just sew up the middle then fold them out. I'm going to hang these over the table

 Next up is my gift for my nephew, whose birthday is three days after Munchkin's. He loves cooking so I went loking or a nice big jar I could use to create a cookie kit for him. The Helicopter Rescue Op Shop in Ballina was my starting point and it didn't fail to deliver, two lovely big jars and two great board books for my Munchkin, which she proceeded to read aloud while I browsed. I also ducked into the kids store and found a great book full of ideas for drawing, designing and creative play. I think it will make a great gift because my nephew is an only child. To complete his gift I put together a 'Pet Rock' kit with some rocks, google eys, pom poms and pipe cleaners. All he needs is some glue! Here's how his present turned out...

It wasn't until I'd left the op shops that I remembered I was meant to be looking for a jumper for Gordon. But I also had a brainwave and also remembered a little striped baby vest I'd got at the op shop while I was pregnant. Munchkin wore it a couple of times but it was one of those things that always seemed too hot or too cold, so when I got home I dug it out of the "too small" clothes and Gordon got some clothes.

When Munchkin Features woke after a long nap she was in a great mood. Both of these things meant that I actually got to complete her party dress. I think I'll call it the Fairy Bread dress. I'm so happy with the way it turned out. It's my own vintage inspired pattern. The stroke of genius was making the tie back rather than buttons (got the idea from Can Can Sew's vintage romper). My machine has no button hole setting so buttons just seem to hold up everything. Anyway, here's my model.

 Yay for productive days!

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